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| name-ru = Фамилия Имя Отчество
| name-ru-aliases = Фамилия Имя Отчество2
Was born on (monthMay, day)1, 0000 1956 in (cityYerevan, town or village, country).Died on (month, day), 0000 in (city, town or village, country)Soviet Armenia.
*In 0000 1973 finished the school number 00118 in Yerevan.*In 1983 he graduated from the faculty of History in Yerevan State University.*In 1983 he entereed the faculty of Archeology and Entography in the National Academy of Sciences,correspondence learning of post-graduate work.*n 1989 he defended candidate thesis.
==Work activity==
*In 0000 worked at (the place) as a (position)Since 1985 he has been working in Yerevan State University.**In 0000 1995-2003 հe worked at ( the place) in Yerevan State University as a 2(position)scientific secretary.*In 0000 2004-2009 he worked at ( in Yerevan State University as the dean of the place) faculty of History.*Since 2009 he has benn working in Yerevan State University as a (position)the head of the chair of Archeology and Entography in the faculty of History.
*In 0000 2002 he became a Candidate Doctor of Historical Sciences.*In 0000 2003 he became a Real Member Professor of AcademyHistorical Sciences.*In 0000 2006 he received "William Saroyan" Gold Medalnamed after Frityot Nansen. ==Other==*Write other information that doesn't satisfy criteria of the above mentioned three subsections. =Images=<gallery>Image: HAYAZG ENCI.jpg|the description of the image</gallery> =Videos=*[http://www.armin.am The description of the video:] =Press Publications=*[http://www.armin.am The description of the text in press:] =Bibliography= *[http://www.example.org Author's Surname Name Middle Name,Book title, Yerevan, YSU publishing house., 0000:]*[http://www.example.org Author's Surname Name Middle Name,Article Title, Journal Name, Yerevan, 0000, number 2, page 41-45:]
=See also=