
Abrahamyan Sergey

528 bytes added, 21:04, 16 July 2018
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| name-en = Surname Name Abrahamyan Sergey (Father's nameGyanjum)| name-en-aliases = Surname Name (Father's name2)| name-am = Ազգանուն Անուն ՀայրանունԱբրահամյան Սերգեյ Գյանջումի| name-am-aliases = Ազգանուն Անուն Հայրանուն2| name-ru = Фамилия Имя ОтчествоАбрамян Сергей Гянджумович| name-ru-aliases = Фамилия Имя Отчество2
| name-lat =
| name-fr =
| image = Աբրահամյան.PNG
| birth-date = 0014.0002.00001925| birth-place = CityTumi, CountryArtsakh(Nogorno-Karabakh)| death-date = 0003.0004.00002005| death-place = CityYerevan, CountryRepublic of Armenia| description = Short description, in 2 wordsLinguist.
Was born on (month, day), 0000 February 14 1925 in (city, town or the village, country)of Tumi of Hadrut region in Republic of Artsakh.
*In 0000 finished the school number 00.
==Work activity==
*In 0000 worked at (1953-1959 senior researcher in National Academy of Aciences of the [[Republic of Armenia]] language institute named after H. Acharyan.*In 1959-1992 head of the contemporary Armenian language department of National Academy of Aciences of the place) as a (position)[[Republic of Armenia]].*In 1967-1970 head of department of the research institute of pedagogical sciences of Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.*In 0000 worked 1953–1958 lecturer at ( the place) as a 2Shirak State University named after Mikael Nalbandian(positionGyumri State Pedagogical Institute).*In 0000 worked 1970–1971 lecturer at Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute.*In 1972–1992 lecturer at Khachatur Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University.*Since 1992 was head of the group at ( the place) as a language institute named after H. Acharyan at (position)[[Armenian National Academy of Sciences]]
*In 0000 became a Candidate 1966 doctor of Historical Sciencesphilological sciences.*In 0000 became a Real Member of Academy1970 professor.*In 0000 received "William Saroyan" Medal1996 academician.*Khachatur Abovyan medal.*1st rate order of the Patriotic War.
*Write other information that doesn't satisfy criteria of the above mentioned three subsections.***
Image: HAYAZG ENCIAbrahamyan Sergey.jpgImage:Abrahamyan Sergey1.jpgImage:Abrahamyan Sergey3.jpgImage:Abrahamyan Sergey2.jpgImage:Abrahamyan Sergey4.jpg|the description of the image